Kevin Calabro

Keystone Program

Kevin Calabro is a Keystone Instructor and the Associate Director of the Keystone Program. Kevin earned his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and his M.S. in Project Management at the University of Maryland, and has recently begun a Ph.D. program in education. Kevin's interests are in providing first and second-year engineering students with a strong foundation in mathematics, engineering and the sciences in hopes this will allow more students to be successful in completing their intended engineering degree programs.


Joshua Cocker


Dr. Deborah Goldberg

Chemical AND Biomolecular Engineering

Deborah Goldberg is a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Dr. Goldberg earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering and her PhD in Bioengineering, both at the University of Maryland, College Park.  After working at MedImmune for six years in biopharmaceutical development, Dr. Goldberg returned to UMCP in 2016, excited to serve in a teaching-focused role. In addition to teaching and course development, she is passionate about mentoring students, helping them with strategies for academic success and career preparation.


Dr. Raffan-Montoya

Fire Protection Engineering

Dr. Raffan-Montoya is a Faculty Specialist in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. He earned his BS in Aerospace Engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology and his MS and PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland, performing research in film cooling flows for active thermal management of propulsion system components. He joined the Department of Fire Protection Engineering as a postdoctoral researcher. More recently, he has taught courses in fluid mechanics and heat transfer, supervised the shared research and instructional facilities, and served as the lead engineer for the Fire Testing and Evaluation Center (FireTEC) performing standard and R&D tests for external customers.