Maryland Beta is the most decorated chapter in the nation and a large part of our success is due to the high requirements we expect from our initiates. This not only helps the chapter, but also allows current members to get to know our initiates.
Initiation Requirements
All initiates will have one semester to complete the required following:
Earn 60 points
All initiates are required to earn at least 60 points. These points are split into four categories:
Chapter Activities - 15 Points
To earn points in this category, initiates can attend social, athletic, or fundraising events held by the Maryland Beta Chapter. These events include game night at Board and Brew, ice skating, hiking trips, and concessions. Point values for each event vary.
Community service - 15 points
To earn points in this category, initiates can attend community service events held by the Maryland Beta Chapter. These events include volunteering at Martha’s Table, A Wider Circle, Community Forklift, and dog walking. Point values for each event vary between 5 -15 points.
Lounge Hours - 15 points
To earn points in this category, initiates have to spend time in the Tau Beta Pi Lounge located at 0111 Glenn L. Martin Hall. For every hour spent in the lounge an initiate earns 1 point. Initiates can also earn 1 point by spending 10 minutes cleaning the lounge.
General Hours - 15 points
To earn points in this category, initiates are encouraged to attend service and fundraising events. Any category that exceeds 15 points and other miscellaneous points will go towards general hours.
Attend General body meetings
Initiates are required to attend three General Body Meetings (GBMs) spaced throughout the semester. If a GBM is missed with an acceptable excuse, a summary of the meeting minutes must be sent to the Initiation Chairs.
Create a Custom Bent
Initiates are required to create a custom bent as part of the initiation process. We encourage initiates to get creative with their custom bent. Their custom bent must be signed by at least 2 of our advisors. Initiates will receive bonus points for each additional advisor and officer signature.
Complete Getting Acquainted Quiz
Initiates are required to submit a photo and short bio of themselves for the Getting Acquainted Quiz. We require initiates to take this quiz to encourage them to get to know their fellow initiates. Initiates have one week to complete the quiz in the Tau Beta Pi Lounge.
Shine A Bent
Initiates will receive a small roughcast Bent to shine by hand.
Complete History Quiz
Initiates are required to take a history quiz for the Maryland Beta Chapter. All of the information initiates need to know will be provided to them and initiates have one week to complete the quiz in the Tau Beta Pi Lounge.
Attend Initiation
In order to become a Tau Beta Pi member, initiates must attend initiation. If initiates do not attend the Maryland Beta initiation, then they will be required to attend another chapter's initiation if they wish to become a member.
Pay initiation fee
Initiates are required to pay the initiation fee if they wish to become a member. The one time fee is $88 for Maryland Beta. Once initiation requirements are met, the initiate will become a Tau Beta Pi member for life with no recurring fee.
Initiate Awards
There are seven awards that initiates can earn during their initiation. These awards are:
Best Electee
The Best Electee Award will be given to the initiate that has the most points and exemplifies Tau Beta Pi character. This is usually accomplished by going to all or most of the events. As a reward, the initiate will have their initiation fee waived.
Best Custom bent
The Best Custom Bent Award will be awarded to the initiate who has crafted a well-thought out and aesthetically pleasing custom bent as voted on by the Tau Beta Pi officers.
Most creative Custom Bent
The Most Creative Custom Bent Award will be given to the initiate who has the most creative custom bent (which is hopefully more creative than this description). This will be voted on by all of the Tau Beta Pi officers.
Tastiest Custom Bent
The initiate who creates the food bent that is deemed the most delectable by a panel of judges will be bestowed the Tastiest Custom Bent Award.
Shiniest Bent
The Shiniest Bent Award will be given to the initiate who has made their roughcast bent gleam. This will be voted on by all of the Tau Beta Pi officers.
Lounge Potato
The Lounge Potato Award will be given to the initiate who has spent the most time in the lounge.
Lou Brant Award
Lou Brant was a legendary Tau Bate who earned 300 points during their initiation semester. Any initiate who follows in his likeness by earning at least 300 points will receive the Lou Brant Award.
If you have any questions, please email